TEAM Meetings

Team Service Provider

This is a private page for all TEAM regional directors.

Here are the topics for this year, although we are flexible, so if you have an alternative topic that you would like us to present then simply give us or TEAM a call and we can sort something out.

As always, we guarantee that you will learn something new and in a fun way!

Choose from...

#1 - The Ultimate Candidate Attraction Strategy - Social Advertising For Recruiters

Let's face it, those blue buttons on your social media pages saying things like "PROMOTE" may as well say "CLICK ME! CLICK ME!". You see promoted posts on LinkedIn and Instagram and you also know you have a must-be-filled-now vacancy that needs as much exposure as you can get it! Social advertising could be a sound investment for your business - but if you dive in without knowing the basics you are at risk of wasting your hard-earned social advertising budget. In this session, we will go through the do's and don'ts of social advertising so that you can use it to attract those all-important candidates.


#2 - LinkedIn Marketing Strategies That Drive Leads Instead Of Disappointment!

Is your LinkedIn profile attracting the right prospects? Do you need help engaging so those prospects become viable leads?

In this session, you will be guided through the process of engaging effectively with prospects (candidates or clients) on LinkedIn. We'll dive into the essentials of all things LinkedIn, helping you become a master of connecting with prospects. We will cover creating a client-attracting profile, how to find & search prospects, how to engage, and how to avoid being spammy or salesy. When this session is over, you’ll be able to effectively leverage LinkedIn in your prospecting strategy.


#3 - The Lazy, But Highly Effective Way to Source Passive Candidates Using Online Techniques

If you are not using social media as part of your candidate sourcing strategy then you will be missing many passive candidates. Times have changed, and it is simply not the "Good old boy" network that works anymore. In this session, we will share with you the top ways in which you can tap into those passive candidates, as well and explaining some crucial tactics that will help nurture those relationships for future placements. It's time to take the blinkers off.


#4 - Your Easy To Implement Online Marketing Strategy For Recruiters

You may have been merrily posting and tweeting away for a while, but have you ever actually considered your strategy around this? Are you curating content that meets your objectives? Have you actually set any objectives? This session will identify and explain the key questions you should be asking in order to implement a successful online marketing strategy.


#5 - Top Tips for Keeping your Database Engaged Online 

Are you sitting on dormant data? With the functionalities offered to us by the likes of Facebook and LinkedIn and the power of email marketing, your data really should be working for you. Let’s work through the various options that exist to allow you to not only use your social media platforms but also implement other online strategies to ensure you stay top of mind with your candidates and clients.


#6 - No-Nonsense Email Marketing Strategies for Recruiters... that Work!  

Email is still one of the most successful forms of marketing available to us. However, it’s a tool many recruiters are failing to leverage successfully. We’ll discuss the dos and don’ts of putting your email campaigns together and what your approach to email should be.


#7 - Recruitment Marketing In 2021 - The Trends, Hacks and Updates you need to know

Online marketing and social media is such a fast-moving industry that it is hard to keep up with all the latest changes. SO how do you know how to apply these within the world of Recruitment? What do you pay attention to and what should you ignore?

Hear about the new Google changes, the latest news on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram that are relevant for YOUR business. Learn tools, tricks, apps and much more in this jam-packed session. (This talk will be updated every month so we will always be delivering the brand new changes).


#8 - Video, Video, Video - How to stop making excuses and get creating now!

This is a fun session that will explain how you can make video work for your Recruitment Agency. Perhaps your goal is to attract new clients, to engage with candidates or even to recruit internal staff - the video trend has developed into a live video trend and is not going anywhere fast! This needs to be embraced as part of your social media strategy if you want an edge over your competitors.

In this session, we will give you tips to help you get your video activity off the ground effectively. We will cover how to master the mindset you’ll need to perform in front of the camera on social media and how you can gain video confidence. We’ll even help you come up with video ideas that will resonate with your audience. We will also help you understand how to deliver the content and why it’s important to practice. When this session is over, you’ll be ready to stop talking about video and start doing it!

Have you secured a speaker for your next regional meeting?
Call TEAM Head Office now!