Instagram Tip: Use the Archive Function in Instagram to Manage Your Posts

Instagram Tip: Use the Archive Function in Instagram to Manage Your Posts Did you know that there is now a private folder on Instagram where you can move previously posted Instagram posts into this folder called “Archive”?

Reasons for using the archive feature:-

1. Not all of your posts are popular, so remove the unpopular ones and perhaps repost again at a later date.
2. Archive slightly embarrassing pictures that you perhaps do not want to showcase in your feed, but you would still like to keep for personal consumption.

How do you archive a post?

> Tap on the image that you want to archive from your profile.
> Tap the three dots on the top right-hand corner
> Select Archive

How do you retrieve your archived files?
> Go to your profile
> Tap on the circular arrow with a time clock in the middle
> View your archived photos

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