Are You Making These Social Media Mistakes?

Are you making these social media mistakes?

Are You Making These Social Media Mistakes?

Are you making these social media mistakes?

Social media has changed the way we communicate and interact with each other. It’s a place where businesses can connect with each other and share their ideas, products, and services with the world. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and there any many no-nos people often make on social media, which can negatively impact your reputation and brand.

Now, if I was to list all the social media mistakes we see, we’d be here all day – it’s Friday, and we’re all on a bit of a RecExpo come down, so I won’t take up too much of your time here. We often get asked, “what shouldn’t I be doing online?”, which seems to be a pain point for many people, so we’re hosting an online event next week to go through it – if you’re free, jump on! It’s a freebie, so why not? The link is here to book.


Here are just a few of the things we’ll be sharing:

Posting offensive or insensitive content

One of the biggest social media mistakes is posting offensive or insensitive content. Just remember, what you post is out there for all to see! Posting insensitive or offensive content can harm your reputation and brand and may even result in legal trouble! Before posting anything, it is important to think about how it may be perceived by others and whether it is appropriate to post.

Not engaging with your audience

Do not be a broadcaster! Another common mistake is not engaging with your audience. Social media is all about building relationships with your followers and connections, and if you don’t engage with them, they may lose interest in your brand. Make sure you’re engaging with your online communities, groups, etc. This will position you as the expert in your field, and you want people to remember you for being the go-to person.

Posting too much or too little

Posting too much or too little can also harm your social media presence. If you post too much, your followers may feel overwhelmed and may unfollow you. On the other hand, if you post too little, your followers may lose interest in you and your brand. It is important to find a balance and post consistently without being a spammy tammy!

We’d love to see you next week, where we’ll work through the most common mistakes we see on social media and how to avoid them.

Save your spot here for our FREE online event.


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