Social Media

Best time to post on social media blog

The Best Time to Post on Social Media in 2024

By Christina Robinson / 31/05/2024
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“When’s the best time to post on social media?” It’s a question that, although important, isn’t the be-all and end-all of a strong social media strategy.

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How to Generate Social Media Leads without becoming a Slave to Content!

By Christina Robinson / 10/05/2024
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What if I told you there was an opportunity to hang out with me where I’d show you how you can find easy-to-convert social media leads without getting caught in…

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Blog image. xAI - what the Grok is this?

xAI – What the ‘Grok’ is this?

By Christina Robinson / 24/11/2023
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Get ready to meet Elon Musk’s latest big idea…Grok! The AI Chatbot hoping to take on the big names such as ChatGPT, WriteSonic etc.

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Should I set up Twitter….Errr…X for my business?

Should I set up Twitter….errr…X for my business?

By Nicole Abbott / 11/10/2023
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Help! I’m not very tech savvy and Social Media is a bit of a mystery to me so should I set up Twitter / X for my business?

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Master the Art of Speaking for Social Media Success

Master the Art of Speaking for Social Media Success

By Christina Robinson / 14/09/2023
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After delivering last week’s live session on ‘Overcoming your video fears’ I had some follow-up messages from some of the people who made the call live. They’d taken on board what I shared with them and realised there was one last piece to the puzzle. They knew what they wanted to say; it was just the skill of delivering their message clearly and compellingly that was missing.

So I reached out to my good friend and public speaking peer Harj Gahley to see what we could come up with that could help bridge this gap!

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TikTok engagement

Help! My TikTok isn’t getting any engagement!

By Green Umbrella / 07/09/2023
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Help! My TikTok isn’t getting any engagement! In Dear Nicole this month, Nicole gives some tips to help increase engagement on TikTok.

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Embracing JOMO: The Joy Of Missing Out

By Christina Robinson / 24/08/2023
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Just like you, I’m living in a world that’s constantly online, where every second is potentially shared, liked, or retweeted. Where the constant notifications mean having the opportunity to switch off fully feels at times impossible. It’s a world where the idea of “JOMO” – the Joy of Missing Out – brings a much-needed breath of fresh air.

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Help! How do I get the most from Instagram stories?

Help! How do I get the most from Instagram stories?

By Nicole Abbott / 11/08/2023
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Help! How do I get the most from Instagram stories? Nicole gives some ideas how to make the most of stories in this month’s “Dear Nicole”

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When is the best time to post on instagram?

When is the best time to post on Instagram?

By Nicole Abbott / 13/07/2023
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When is the best time to post on Instagram? Nicole gives us the low down on the best times to post on Instagram in this month’s “Dear Nicole”.

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Happy social media day

Happy Social Media Day Folks!

By Christina Robinson / 30/06/2023
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Social Media Day was launched on 30th June 2010 by Mashable as a way to celebrate all things social media. It could be easy to fall into the trap of posting for the sake of posting on a day like today, but remember – make sure when posting on social media from a business perspective you are adding value, otherwise – what’s point? Here are my tips to ensure you are creating good value content.

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