Are You Socially Loyal to Your Brand?

Are you socially local to your brand?

Are You Socially Loyal to Your Brand?

Are you socially local to your brand?

Imagine this scenario: You need to post something across your Social Media accounts, nothing exciting has happened in the office, the Days of the Year website states that it’s International “Wiggle your Toes Day”, which unless you’re a Podiatrist or a Beautician, you probably can’t use, and you’re really struggling for any suitable content ideas. After spending what seems like forever racking your brain, when you finally come up with an idea, I bet the last thing you are thinking about is whether your new post is suitable for your brand, because at this point you just want to get something posted…am I right?

Beans on Toast

If you know us at Green Umbrella, I’m sure you will have heard us talking about “Beans on Toast”; and if you haven’t, it all started because of a debate here at the GUHQ about whether the beans go on top of the cheese or the cheese goes on top of the beans. After failing to agree here in the office, the debate was posted on Facebook, and the interaction that the poll received was very high.

Now, I’m sure when you are posting your sales content, you are thinking about your brand, but you also need to be thinking about your brand when it comes to your “Beans on Toast” too.

Social Media Coaching

When we are onboarding a new client here at Green Umbrella, to get to know the company better, one of the things that we ask the client to do is to rate their “Fun-Factor” from 0 – 10. 0 being the lowest and 10 the highest. If you’re new to “Beans on Toast”, or you don’t know where to start, I would say this is a pretty good bet. Once you have established your Fun-Factor, you can get onto brainstorming some ideas.

To help get you started, I have listed some below:

Days of the Year

A great way to come up with new content ideas is to check the Days of the Year website. If you click the “Browse Calendar” button in the top right, you can view upcoming dates and plan ahead for anything that you think aligns with your company brand or might be trending on the day.

Out and About

To keep your Social Media audience engaged, why don’t you let you them know where you are heading for the day? If you are meeting a client at a nice hotel, then photograph it, or if you are hosting a training day, take a quick video after you have set up or once everyone has arrived. If this isn’t possible, then a quick snapshot at the train station, or, if you’re by a famous landmark, ask people to guess where you are…the list is endless!


People are drawn to people, so to ensure that Social Media really works for you, you need to show the faces behind the business. If you missed our blog all about eyeballs, then I’d recommend that you give it a read.

Office Antics

This is probably one of the easiest forms of “Beans on Toast” content and can link to the “Days of the Year” point at the top of the list. You need to give people a snapshot of your day, so if it is International Doughnut Day, and you have Doughnuts in the office, photograph them. If there are two different types, then create a poll and ask people which is their favourite. Or, if you’re holding your monthly team meeting, a quick video saying hello to everyone in the room can work well.

When brainstorming your “Beans on Toast” content, or if you’re considering some of the ideas listed above, you need to ensure that they work well with your brand. Remain professional, have fun with it, and most importantly don’t forget to be human, because after all, people are drawn to people!

If you’re still struggling, or you’re not sure where to start, take a look at our 75 ideas of things to post ebook.

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