Is it Time for a Check In?

Business Mastermind Day

Is it Time for a Check In?

Business Mastermind Day

Business Mastermind Day

We’re almost halfway through the year folks… can you believe it?!? If you’re anything like me, roughly six months ago, you made some promises to yourself about what you would do in business in 2022. The goals you set, the strategic plans you made… they were made with the best of intentions. They were promises to yourself, and it has been up to you to keep yourself accountable. I’m in a privileged position because I’ve made sure I have people in place to keep me accountable, but I realise not everyone has the support in place that I have!

It’s time to check in!

I’ve looked at my plan, and when I break down everything that needs to happen this year, I’m sitting at about 30% completion. There’s a bunch of stuff in the works that I’m actively working on, but, in all honesty, there’s still roughly 50% that I’m yet to get started. Some of the set highs I’d even forgotten about!

But it’s ok. I can re-jig things, get some stuff finished in June, and then I still have another six months of the year left to complete! That’s why checking in now is so important.

You might have a few marketing campaigns in your plan that are yet to be implemented – it isn’t too late to get started and feel the impact before the end of 2022. For almost all campaigns, you could be talking to me today and be up and running before the end of July. (Ok, if it’s a new website you’re looking at, that’s a slightly different story!)

Sticking to the plan

Truth is, I’ve followed this process of creating a plan and checking at fixed points in the year, and I’ve done that for several years, both personally and in business. I’ve done it solo in various environments, and I’ve done it in a group setting.

My advice would be to go for a hybrid and find an event that can help you get focused. You’ll be away from your business and around others who have a shared focus. Head to the event venue the day before and spend some 121 time with your current plan. Tick off what you have completed. Highlight what’s in progress and what needs to happen to finish those projects. Then reflect on what’s left. Once you’ve done that, put the plan away and go enjoy the event. Before you go home, bring the plan out again and adjust it. Dump what’s no longer relevant, delegate the things that you can do, and create an implementation plan for what’s left!

Social Media Management packages

My invitation to you…

Events that can really help you achieve what I’ve suggested above are hard to find. So hard to find in fact, that I’ve partnered with my very good friend to create a one-day event designed to provide the perfect environment for you to hang out with likeminded people while getting the motivation you need to ensure you have the support you need, the motivation and perhaps most importantly the accountability to smash your 2022 goals.

And I’d love you to join us!

Here are the details:

21ST JUNE 2022

If you’re feeling stuck, demotivated, are lacking clarity on what’s next in your business or just feeling that as the leader of your business, you’re on your own… you need to get booking onto this Business Mastermind Day.

Over the course of the day, I’ll be delivering a session on marketing (of course), and you’ll also hear from other speakers on everything from sales to PR, Tax, strategy, and mindset! There will be breakout sessions where you’ll be encouraged to work on the things most critical to your business while getting to know your fellow attendees, creating connections that you can take forward after the event, whether it’s so you can do business together, or simply for accountability.

There’s even the option of joining me and my fellow speakers for dinner, where we can continue to talk through your plans – or just relax!

I promise you’ll be leaving refreshed, motivated and, above all else, focused on what you need to achieve in the second half of 2022.

Be warned though… numbers have been limited, and currently, there are only EIGHT places remaining. Interested? You can grab the full details here.

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