Have you downloaded your LinkedIn Data?

Have you downloaded your LinkedIn Data? You may have heard me mention the phrase “never build your property on other people’s land” on numerous occasions. This means that you have no control over what happens on social media platforms and certain features that you use may be deleted without a moments notice.

This is more important with LinkedIn than any other platform. Remember these features that were removed with hardly any notice:-

1. Events
2. Answers
3. Signal Search
4. Products and services, along with all the testimonials that you had collected? (This one really hurt!)>

I now make it a habit to download my data from LinkedIn on a regular basis. The tasks appear in my diary, and I simply download the following:-

a) Export my connections (I do this once a month)
b) Export my profile as a PDF (every 3 months)
c) Request a free archive of your data in the privacy and settings area. (If you did not know that you could do this then you may be pleasantly surprised 🙂 ). They will send you a zipped file of lots of data, including your recommendations, connections, history files etc. (every 3 months)

If you are not sure how to complete any of the above exporting data procedures, then please ask one of our team on the live chat service.

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