Facebook Tip: Facebook stories for pages is here!

Facebook Tip: Facebook stories for pages is here! No-one is using stories on Facebook (SnapChat rival). It is literally a ghost town feature. But Facebook WANT us to use this feature. The good news for Facebook is that people are using “stories” over on Instagram. In fact, there are now more “stories” created on Instagram that there is on SnapChat – so there is certainly an audience for stories amongst the slightly older generation and for businesses – we just need to develop the habit.

1. If you create a story on Instagram, you can now post the same story into your personal Facebook story with a click of a button. (No more downloading and then uploading). Synchronisation is where it’s at!

2. Facebook stories are now synchronised with messenger, so if you post a messenger story, then it will also appear in your main Facebook story.

Are you with me so far?

3. Facebook stories are now here for business pages. Posting around 4-6 stories a day will gain additional traction to your business page. Why would you not produce a daily story?

For more information on how to upload a story to your business page, click here.

Will you be using stories for your business?


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