The 5 Top Trends to Look for On Pinterest in 2020

Pinterest trends to look out for in 2020

The 5 Top Trends to Look for On Pinterest in 2020

Pinterest trends to look out for in 2020

Over the past two years, I have coached and managed social media for many different types of businesses, but one platform that is rarely, if ever, touched is Pinterest. Just to put you in the picture, I originally come from a retail and creative background, so it’s probably of no surprise to you that Pinterest is my ‘go-to’ social media platform. The statistics would show that I am not alone in that choice; according to Pinterest, there are over 320 million users worldwide! It’s a growing platform and one that should not be ignored, especially if you are in the retail or eCommerce industry. It’s also a great place to market your business and raise brand awareness. Over the next 12 months, I will be delving into Pinterest some more and sharing my insights about this overlooked platform.

Here are my predictions for the top 5 Pinterest trends in 2020:

1. Shopping more Consciously

Consumers are more conscious of what they are purchasing and the origin of their purchased product. There is a more significant push to ‘shop local’, and this will continue to grow in 2020. This puts local and smaller business at an advantage.

2. Finding Balance

As it is the start of a New Year, and everyone has had time to reflect over the festive period, people make resolutions that are sometimes tricky to sustain throughout the year. It’s all about self-care. Busy people are always looking for ways to find the right balance between their family life and business. I know it is a constant search in my life. This is also a time where people turn to dietary changes, fitness and health, social media detoxes, getting outdoors, reading or possibly taking up a new hobby.

3. Travel

We are starting to think more about our carbon footprint and what impact our travelling has on the planet. Some businesses encourage employees to walk, or they contribute money to a bicycle so employees can cycle to work, or they may promote a car share scheme. Others will offset their carbon footprint by planting or donating to charities that plant trees.

4. Home Environment

As more companies encourage employees to work from home or if you have a small business and your office is in your home, we are going to see this way of living increase over 2020. Homes will become a ‘hub’ where office space, the gym and the living environment will all be under one roof. Technology will be essential and effective for a balanced way of living.

5. Food and Diet

People are changing the way they eat, with Veganuary upon us; we are starting to see an increase in different eating habits. Another conscious decision that people are making is to live a healthier existence when everything else is so fast-paced. Sleep is becoming more important as so many of us are switched on to technology from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. We will see more people looking for solutions on how to ‘switch off’.

Social Media Coaching

How does this relate to your business?

You could take these trends and utilise them in your digital marketing plan. If you are a business that relates to any of these subjects, then you should be pushing them on Social Media. If you are not on Pinterest, then you should consider it. Speak to a coach at Green Umbrella for a 121 session. I would personally say that all Retail businesses should be utilising Pinterest as another digital marketing tool. If Pinterest is used correctly, your exposure can grow much quicker than on any other Social Media platforms.

Even if you don’t intend to use Pinterest as a tool for business, it’s a brilliant platform to use on a personal level too, but that is a whole other blog!

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