Five Twitter Daily Tips That Guarantee Success
There are many more things to do on Twitter every day, but if you are time starved then this quick check list will certainly add value to your Twitter account and make you a valuable member of the Twittersphere. You will increase your followers and become involved with your target audience – all in 15 mins or less.
Here are your Five A Day on Twitter (estimated time, no more than 15 mins)
#1 – Follow five people every day
A quick way to follow people is to use some software called FollowerWonk (free software). Search for your ideal customer using the bio search. Click follow, then always add to a list.
Bonus tip – if you are also on LinkedIn, then search for your ideal client using – from there, find their Twitter account and follow / add to a list. This kills two birds with one stone. Not only are you increasing the people that you are following, but you have also visited a profile on LinkedIn of a potential new customer. What a great way to get noticed!
#2 – Check your Twitter lists
If you don’t have much time, then spend it wisely by engaging with your target audience. Click onto your profile, then click lists. Spend time looking down the newsfeed of your ideal target audience and engage.
Bonus tip – here is a quick video to show you an advanced technique using Twitter lists.
#3 – Tweet a Moment or Trending Category
By tweeting something that is already popular will guarantee additional followers and higher engagement with your network. As part of your five a day, I would always share something that is popular.
Bonus Tip – to find moments and trending categories on the app, click the explore button.
#4 – Use the Advanced Search
Get right to the core of your ideal client by searching for Tweets that are relevant to your industry, location or topic. The best way to do this is by using the advanced search feature. Click the image below to take you to the advanced search:-
#5 – Share something personal
Twitter only works if you humanize the account. This may be something that you are doing today, something funny, an animated GIF, behind the scenes – show that you or your company is real! Perhaps share a video, photos, go live! Please don’t just automate your content.
The final bonus tip in this week’s video is all about sharing something random from your home-feed. It’s amazing how sharing just one thing will get a conversation started.
How much time do you spend on Twitter?
I am curious, how much time do you spend on Twitter every day? My team spend a min of 30 mins on each account, but in reality, I personally only spend around 15-20 mins a day on my own account. What about you? Let me know in the comments below.