Have you set your primary Email on LinkedIn?

Have you set your primary email on LinkedIn We critique around 3-6 LinkedIn profiles a week for customers and we have a 10 point checklist that we work through (you can download it here).

I am always amazed how many people have left their personal email address on display rather than a company or Gmail account.

I urge you now, please check to see what email address you are displaying.

If it is your Hotmail, BT Internet or AOL account then please think about the consequences of having this information in the public domain. It also does not look that professional (In my opinion).

An email must be verified before you can make it into a primary email address. Go to:-

> settings
> Privacy and settings
> email settings >change
> Add your business email
> Then go to your email and click the link
> Go back to settings and make your business address your primary address.

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