Content Creation

Is Your Content Standing Out Or Bombing Out?


By Christina Robinson / 14/06/2024
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With so many posting options available it’s important to know what to use when, and how best to present your key messages in a compelling way that reaches your audience, captures their attention, creates impact and brings results.

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Outsourcing social media vs AI Content Creation

Outsourcing Social Media Marketing vs. AI Content Creation

By Christina Robinson / 17/05/2024
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Let’s face it – businesses are constantly vying for attention and engagement on social media platforms, so the question of how to effectively manage content creation arises again, and again. Given that’s the case, the real question is should you outsource your social media marketing to specialist agencies like us, or just rely on AI (artificial intelligence) to create content?

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Amplify your content strategy

Content strategy: How to Amplify Yours in a Few Easy Steps

By Christina Robinson / 18/11/2022
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Content. If you’re responsible for marketing in your business that one word is probably responsible for more than a few sleepless nights. Defining what ‘Content’ is in your business is…

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Everything is content

Everything is content!

By Christina Robinson / 22/06/2022
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I was privileged enough this week to speak in front of a group of female entrepreneurs at a Mastermind day that was being held by Peakes Private Members Club. (If…

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Lead with value

Does Your Content “Lead with Value”?

By Christina Robinson / 11/03/2022
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“Lead with value”. Dependent on how closely you follow me on social media, how often you read my blogs and whether you join our weekly Live Lunch show on a…

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Three key sources for engaging content ideas

Three Key Sources for Engaging Content Ideas

By Christina Robinson / 28/01/2022
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ENGAGING CONTENT It doesn’t matter how experienced you are when it comes to content marketing, you’ll always run into a dry spell when it comes to finding inspiration for engaging…

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Create a Content Distribution Plan!

What’s the best way to distribute content? Create a Content Distribution Plan!

By Christina Robinson / 04/06/2021
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Content is king they said, plan your content. Invest in your content. Stay consistent with your content… so you did. But let me tell you a secret, even though most…

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