Twitter Tip: Are you using all of the Twitter 280 Characters?

Twitter Tip: Are you using all of the Twitter 280 Characters? I was shocked when Twitter announced the 280 character limit in November 2017. I honestly thought that this would never happen, especially as the 10k limit was dismissed at the beginning of 2017 due to peer pressure.

So what is the best practice? Should you be making the most of the available characters?

In my opinion, I still believe that less is more. Twitter is such a fast moving platform, where the users fly through and consume content in a snackable way. Small bite-sized chunks of content is how to make Twitter work. All tweets will ideally have an image, GIF or video to grab attention – not a long winded post that takes up 280 characters.

The only benefit that I can see for using up the whole 280 character limit is for Google indexing. All tweets are indexed by Google search, so the more text you use the more likely they are to appear in a Google search.

I am not saying to stick to 140 characters. It is ok to add a long post every now and then, but just don’t make it the norm.


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