Help! Where do I start with Facebook groups?

where do I start with Facebook groups

Dear Nicole,

This year I decided to use my creative skills to run my own Esty business in my spare time selling arts and crafts whilst studying art at university. I have an Instagram account and a Facebook page as a good percentage of my business comes through Facebook. From this I have been thinking about setting up a Facebook group with other like-minded businesses and get a community going for further advertising as I think it could be good to branch out and start taking my business to stalls at markets, but I don’t know much about Facebook Groups, can you help me.

Wing – Brighton.

Dear Wing,

Well, this sounds like a fantastic business, and I personally think you can’t beat getting your business known with face-to-face interaction, so I think you are onto something here by setting up a Facebook group, getting that community going and then branching out to markets, but where to start? Facebook groups are a great way of building connections with other like-minded people, engaging with a community of your ideal target audience, gaining free market research and boosting your credibility to make it into a money machine. I have put 4 top tips below to help you get started.

  1. Determine your group’s purpose - What’s the purpose of the group? Sit back and think about it honestly. The purpose of your group should benefit the members first and foremost!
  2. Ask Questions - To stop spammers from joining your group, ask qualifying questions. Make it a requirement that they must answer the questions to join.
  3. Promote your group to the right people - Make sure that when growing your group, you’re focusing on your target audience. There are a few ways to get your group in front of the right people. For example, If you already have a page for your business, then use that page to advertise your new community or send a simple invite, and finally link to it everywhere – put it in your email newsletters, icon bars, email signatures, bios, etc.
  4. Engage DAILY - Relationships take work. Find out what the best content for you is and the best time to engage with your group. Try to post your best content at that time but make sure you’re available to respond to comments to really start building that community.

I hope these top tips can help you, and all the best with your Facebook Group Wing!


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