GU Live Lunch – Ep 175 with special guests Imran Ahmed & Rich Waterman!

Live Lunch image of Christina, Kim, Imran & Rich a, along with a summary of what was discussed

Join Christina and Kim for this very special episode. This week, we are joined by the incredible Imran Ahmen & Rich Waterman from Success Psychology to talk about mindset, growth and The Breakthrough Experience!

Here are the snippets:

02:22 – We formed Success Psychology last year, and we’ve t been on quite the ride in terms of the different events, the different changes we’ve seen in people, the transformations, the education, the standard, really taking things out to individual and beyond groups and corporates, in terms of the difference we can make through education and inspiration.

03:48 – You’ve created innovative personal development tools combined with a massive heart. So I just love that. I love the heart of the community of success psychology, and I’m coming in to be part of the core team now.

05:12 – I’ve learned a lot about myself, about what I do and why I do it. And I guess it’s just a way of sorting you out. For years and years, I’ve spent so long doing certain behaviors and thinking certain ways. And it’s just unpacking all of that. And then learning how to feel better but be better within myself.

09:24 – What we tend to find is when we can help someone in the room, it opens up possibilities for other people. Your willingness to go through transformation is often the thing that everyone else in the room needs to see for themselves. It’s a family, fundamentally, so it’s safe to come and explore who you really are, rather than maybe behaving showing up to this point.

11:07 – There was a lot of stuff from childhood. I was thinking, why did this happen? Why did that happen? And actually, today, I’ve made peace with that. I’m not shy in telling people that it has changed my life. And that sounds really dramatic, but it’s true.

12:36 – Ultimately supporting you in the journey and going into those spaces of darkness and finding the areas of light. Sometimes, we stay in the darkness for so long that we stop looking for the light. And that’s what people have led to, hopelessness or not knowing that there’s a greater way or a different choice or a different path that’s going to lead you to the place you want to be.

22:45 – Being relatively new to the success psychology environment, that’s what’s special about those that are, whether it’s the one-day breakthrough experience or five-day ECT that we do. It’s the community. It’s the community that helps you be more of who you are. It’s the community that helps you transform. It’s the community that gives you permission to love yourself as the community that gives you permission to step away from ego.

31:44 – The difference in my mental health in six months, has improved far greater than the 20 years I’ve been on medication, hands down. Fact. And that’s why I’m quite passionate about this stuff!

36:34 – I think where people can make a mistake is going, right? I’ve now created this new possibility. I know I’m now capable of this. So, therefore, the whole of my life should be perfect like that. I should be able to line all my ducks up and basically transform to perfect but the reality is you’re not.

46:10 – Once we take action and implementation on the very things that we learn, these are the areas I’m going to decide on. That’s where the shift starts occurring. That’s where the beauty starts coming through. That’s where the future starts getting formed.

49:46 – I want to learn from people as well. I wouldn’t be able to learn from the next Kim. I don’t know who the next Kim is going to be at the next event, but there’s going to be another Kim, and I want to learn from Kim because one thing I do know is people have been through a lot of shit, and they’re still here uses a lot to learn from.

50:50 – He’s (Imran) very much he will feed you. It’s like a buffet almost. Imran will feed things to the person that he’s working with and let them sort of step into their own transformation, choose their own transformation. And with an incredible heart space, it’s like you’re loved you’re safe, it’s going to be fine. And I’m going to give you the time and space to explore where you need to go. And I’m here with you every step of the way. That’s really unusual.

57:14 – At the beginning of the year for many of you with us, there were so many doubts of so many concerns and worries. And we’ve seen ourselves evolve. And we’ve seen so many people transform.

60:01 – If you’re feeling like something’s off in your life, and you can’t figure out what it is. Or you’re just sick of living the same crap day in and day out? It’s one day, just come, book the ticket and come.

60:02 – Once you come into that place, you then start to form the will take the steps that form the changes that are going to ultimately create the future. And an enhanced version of us only going to get you there so much quicker.

Book your place on the next Breakthrough Experience on November 18th at…see you there!

See you next week.

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