Listen to These Top Digital Marketing and Inspirational Podcasts

Podcasts to listen to for social media and online marketing

Listen to These Top Digital Marketing and Inspirational Podcasts

Podcasts to listen to for social media and online marketing

When you spend a lot of time traveling then one way to make the time pass quickly is to listen to podcasts.  iTunes and Stitcher Radio are flooded with podcasts that are focused on social media, online marketing, digital marketing, entrepreneurship, leadership and management and productivity.  Some of these are excellent productions and some are simply naff! If you are a keen podcast listener, and you are a small business owner, then I urge you to check out the podcasts below.

Social Media Marketing Podcast

Host: Michael Stelzner

Average show length: 45 mins

Social media examiner podcast Why you should listen: Michael is well connected and he always has interesting guests on his weekly show.  He also has a natural way of extracting information and then summarizing the key elements of what his guest is trying to portray.  I like the way that the show is broken up into segments.  I look forward to his “discovery of the week”, which is either a gadget, tool, some type of software, or a story.  You feel like you are on his discovery journey with him and he has an infectious giggle.  If you are keen to learn more about social media then this show should be your number one listen.

Download in iTunes here. 


Host: iSocialFanz – Brian Fanzo

Average show length: 45 mins 

FomoFanz itunes podcast Why you should listen:

Brian speaks from the heart (although he speaks REALLY fast!).  He is a social media ninja and is very successful.  He gives lots of social media tips and advice, along with business advice in general.  I just like his style.  He is easy to listen to and his philosophy in business is “be your authentic self”, which is also my theme for this year.  Love it!

Download from iTunes here. 

Learning with Leslie

Host: Leslie Samuel

Average show length: 40 mins

Learning with Leslie podcastWhy you should listen:

Leslie has a very soothing voice, but not on a monotone way, in fact, it’s the opposite!  He is full of energy but speaks very clearly.  I have learned LOADS from listening to this show.  His main subject is blogging, but he covers a whole range of topics.  From live streaming techniques to learning about mastermind groups.  Leslie is a born interviewer and gets the most out of his guests.  You feel as if he is learning at the same time that you are learning and that you are along for the ride.  Leslie is also the main host for the Social Media Examiner Society, which is where I heard his name.  I am now a fan!

Download from iTunes here. 

Content Inc

Host: Joe Pulizzi

Average show length: 5 mins

Why you should listen:

content inc podcast I love this podcast!

It is a quick 5 mins audio that I listen to, without fail, every week.  Joe is a thought leader for content marketing and he has published many books.  One of his books is in my top ten, called “Content Inc”.  He reveals what books he is reading, and his thoughts about the future of this fascinating industry.  This podcast always leaves me wondering and inspired to incorporate new ideas.  Highly recommended.

Download from iTunes here. 

The Smart Passive Income

Host: Pat Flynn

Average show length: 40 – 50 mins

Why you should listen:

Smart passive income podcast I am a fan of Pat Flynn and the Smart Passive Income eco-system.  From his blog to his book club and his other podcast called “Ask Pat”.  He is constantly learning from his guests, and you certainly feel as if you are on this journey with him.  I particularly like his episodes when he interviews regular people who have had some online success.  People like me and you.  People that we can all relate to.  This is something that I do not hear on other podcasts.  I will often hear a technique, new tool or a strategy from one of his guests which I will then implement into my business.  If your objective is to earn a passive income whilst you sleep, then Pat Flynn’s podcast and blog is the best place to start!

Download from iTunes here

ProBlogger Podcast

Host: Darren Rowse

Average show time: 20-30 mins

Why listen to this show?

Problogger Darren Rowse podcast This podcast focuses on blogging tips and advice.  Darren covers anything from building traffic to your website, to techniques for sales conversions.  He is a speaker, published author and highly successful within the blogging sphere.  His Australian accent is quite therapeutic and I always pick up a golden nugget or two from every episode. If blogging is not your thing then avoid this podcast, but if you want to find out how to run a successful blog then you can not find a better place!

Download from iTunes here

Noah Kegan Presents

Host: Noah Kegan

Average show time: No consistency! from 1.50 mins to 40 mins

Noah Kegan Presents Podcast Why you should listen:

Noah is all over the place and you never know what is going to come out of his mouth.  He is a bit like Gary Vaynerchuk and just tells it as it is!  If you are offended by bad language, then this show is not for you.  There is no doubt about it that Noah is hugely successful and he is full of ideas.  The show is real and he literally speaks his mind.  What I particularly like about this show is the weekly challenges.  He always comes up with some type of action plan that gets you thinking.  I find myself laughing out loud every time I listen to one of his recordings.  If you want to be successful in business, then learn from the master – this guy knows his stuff (although his style may not suit everyone).

Download from iTunes here

The GaryVee Audio Experience

Host: Gary Vaynerchuk

Host time: All over the place (from 2mins to 1hr)

Why you should listen:

GaryVee Podcast If you do not know who Gary V is and you work in the world of social media and online marketing, then where have you been?  The GaryVee show in its simple terms is Gary answering viewers questions.  He never holds back and just says what is on his mind.  He is very passionate about everything that he says, and will often go off on one to get his point across.  Even the people who are recording his rants will be surprised at times.  It is pure entertainment, but at the same time, you will always learn something new.  Has Gary ever been wrong?  yes – he was a Meerkat advocate, and also a Google Plus fan, but hey ho, we can’t always get it right can we?  If you are offended by bad language then I advise you to avoid this podcast.

Download from iTunes here

I listen to many other podcasts on my travels which includes topics such as productivity, health and wellness etc, but I will save those for another day.

Do you listen to any shows on a regular basis?  If so, then let me know.  I am always keen to discover new podcasts!


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