What’s the Craic with Social Media?

What's the craic?

What’s the Craic with Social Media?

What's the craic?

“Social Media doesn’t work” – I hate those words! like REALLY hate them! Social Media works for so many businesses in so many different industries and sectors. So why shouldn’t it work for YOU???

Does social media work?

Whether you sell a product or service, low ticket or high ticket, there will be people who it is working for tremendously well. And, if it’s working for them why shouldn’t it work for you! That’s why yesterday, I joined the fantastic UK Recruiter Tech Showcase where I delivered a session entitled “Social Media Doesn’t Work – Unless You Do These 5 Things“.

You should tune in and watch – it’s on a platform called Crowdcast so you will have to register. The session was aimed at Recruiters but the content itself really is valuable for anyone in business looking to push their online presence forward!

Recruiters ebook banner

What’s the Craic?

In a moment of madness – I decided I needed an Acronym to explain social media algorithms and the core elements that we need to be mindful of. (Respecting the Algorithm was just one of the 5 points included in the presentation I’ve mentioned above and given that my Father is part Irish and it’s father’s day this weekend I thought I was very clever coming up with this!)

So here goes…

  • Content – As the creator, are you producing regular, quality content?
  • Relevancy – As the creator, is your content related to current trends, is it relevant to the content other people like you are sharing?
  • Affinity – As a user, social media platforms want to fill our feeds with what they believe we’re looking to see based on our digital footprint. As creators, we need to be in touch with this and produce updates our target audience are looking to see.
  • Interest – As a user, social media platforms want to show content in our feed from the people we want to engage with. This is often based on historic engagements, so we content must be designed to gain interaction from our target audience.
  • Currency – This is not about money! A social media platform looks at when a user last accessed the platform, takes everything shared since that last visit and orders it accordingly so they see the content they’ll be most interested in from those they want to hear from and their newsfeeds are built using this information.

So that’s how you have a CRAIC on social media! (Yes, I do think I’m funny.)

Social Media Management packages

Quick FYI if you’re looking at outsourcing…

Before I finish, and just as an FYI. The event I mentioned earlier – I also delivered a second session that I’d love you to watch all about “Why and How To Outsource You Marketing Activities“. If you think you might be in a place where you need to share the load, then this could be helpful to you. Again, it’s aimed at recruiters, but I think almost anyone could take something useful from the session!

As a final, final note – and this is only relevant if you are actually in the world of recruitment – the day starts with some speed pitches. I totally embarrassed myself in my two minute speed pitch with a cheesy tag line and something that is supposed to represent dancing at the end… if you need a pick me up then here’s the link, I’m on about halfway through just after the awesome Wendy McDougall from Firefish Software (29mins, 11 secs to be precise)!

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