Are you making these social media mistakes?

Are you making these social media mistakes?

Are you making these social media mistakes?

Are you making these social media mistakes?

Tuesday 28th March 7.00pm

Are you trying to stay ahead of the game when it comes to your social media presence – and yet feel like you’re only falling further behind? 

Do you feel like you’re implementing your strategy but still not getting the results you deserve? It could be that you have fallen into a few bad habits without even knowing; it’s possible that the game-changing strategy that worked wonders a couple of years ago has now become a social media no-no.

Let’s work through the mistakes we see on social media and learn how to avoid them.

Who is this for?

Businesses that want to stand out on social media for the right reasons and deliver high-value content.

What will we cover?

The most common mistakes that businesses make on social media, as well as how to avoid them. From posting too much (or too little) to failing to engage with your audience, we’ll cover all the essential topics you need to know to create a successful social media strategy.

What will I achieve from joining this live session?

After watching, and more importantly, taking action on what we’ll share with you, you’ll achieve the following:

  • You will have a clear understanding of what works on social media
  • You will be clear on what mistakes to avoid
  • You will have certainty over your ability to create high-value content on social media

To find out more, join Christina on this FREE online event!

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