Social Media Marketing

Navigating a general election blog

Navigating a General Election – Marketing Strategies for UK Business

By Christina Robinson / 24/05/2024
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If standing out marketing-wise when you’re going up against coverage of the UEFA Euros 2024 and Wimbledon this summer weren’t enough, we’ve now also got a general election in the UK to contend with! Businesses will find themselves navigating not only the intricacies of political discourse but also the passionate outpouring of these popular sporting events. With audiences divided between political engagement and sports enthusiasm, we face the challenge of standing out while most social media feeds are being flooded with even more information than usual. Here’s how your social media marketing strategies for UK businesses can be tweaked to thrive this summer.

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Outsourcing social media vs AI Content Creation

Outsourcing Social Media Marketing vs. AI Content Creation

By Christina Robinson / 17/05/2024
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Let’s face it – businesses are constantly vying for attention and engagement on social media platforms, so the question of how to effectively manage content creation arises again, and again. Given that’s the case, the real question is should you outsource your social media marketing to specialist agencies like us, or just rely on AI (artificial intelligence) to create content?

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Speak to your audience

Multi-Generational Social Media Marketing – How to speak to everyone in your audience on social media

By Christina Robinson / 03/05/2024
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2024 is set to be a year of learning curves to ensure you’re reaching the right people, especially for those of you marketing in the B2B space. It’s the year Generation Z surpasses Baby Boomers in the workforce, introducing a blend of five distinct generational cohorts simultaneously for the very first time. What does that mean for you as a marketer?

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Social Media - Features vs Benefits

Features vs. Benefits in Social Media Marketing

By Christina Robinson / 02/02/2024
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Nothing is more powerful in marketing, and especially in social media marketing than promoting the benefits of your products or services over their features. And yet, so many business owners confuse the two or struggle to make distinctions.

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Marketing in 2023 – I didn’t see that coming!

By Christina Robinson / 01/12/2023
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Blimey 2023 has been quite the year for all things marketing! I made a few predictions for what the year had in store and, as I do each year, it’s time to reflect on those to uncover whether I was right or not! I’ll let you decide on that one. What I can tell you is there have been a few things I did not predict – and there are lessons in that!

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Halloween Marketing Do’s and Don’ts

By Christina Robinson / 27/10/2023
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We all know that an effective marketing strategy can leave a lasting impression. However, beware! Here are a few of our Halloween themed marketing dos & don’ts

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Should I set up Twitter….Errr…X for my business?

Should I set up Twitter….errr…X for my business?

By Nicole Abbott / 11/10/2023
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Help! I’m not very tech savvy and Social Media is a bit of a mystery to me so should I set up Twitter / X for my business?

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TikTok engagement

Help! My TikTok isn’t getting any engagement!

By Green Umbrella / 07/09/2023
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Help! My TikTok isn’t getting any engagement! In Dear Nicole this month, Nicole gives some tips to help increase engagement on TikTok.

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Help! How do I get the most from Instagram stories?

Help! How do I get the most from Instagram stories?

By Nicole Abbott / 11/08/2023
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Help! How do I get the most from Instagram stories? Nicole gives some ideas how to make the most of stories in this month’s “Dear Nicole”

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How to use social media to fill a webinar

How To Use Social Media to Fill a Webinar

By Christina Robinson / 14/07/2023
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If you’re thinking about running a webinar or wondering how you can improve the results your getting for webinars you run already, here are some quick points to show you how to effectively market your webinar.

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