Should I set up Twitter….errr…X for my business?

Should I set up Twitter….Errr…X for my business?

Should I set up Twitter….errr…X for my business?

Should I set up Twitter….Errr…X for my business?

Dear Nicole,

I run a recruitment business and I’ll be honest I’m not very ‘tech savvy’, social media is still a bit of a mystery to me but I’m getting more to grips with it as time goes on. I’m currently active on LinkedIn and Facebook but I keep seeing lots of stuff about Twitter or shall I say 'X'. Do you think it’s worth setting up an account on Twitter/X? What are the benefits?

Paul – Leamington.

Dear Paul,

It’s great to hear you are expanding into the world of social media and your confidence with it is beginning to grow. The fact you have business pages or an online presence on Facebook and LinkedIn is fantastic and something to be proud of within itself but your question about Twitter/X is brilliant. So, the question is, is Twitter/X worth using? I’ve done some research and I’ve collected four advantages to using Twitter/X to represent your online brand for you to go away and have a think about. Let’s get started!

  1. Is Your Audience on Twitter/X - Part of choosing which social media platforms you’ll invest time and effort into is knowing where your audience spends the most time online. If your audience is on Twitter there is a potential market opportunity there for you!
  2. There Are a Variety of Ways to Create Twitter/X Content - One of the advantages of Twitter/X is that we get to experiment with how we share content on the platform. Whatever you are comfortable with roll with it!
  3. The Networking Is Incredible - You never know when you’ll make a new friend or land your next client. Not only that, but they’re fantastic opportunities to learn and grow both personally and professionally through Twitter/X.
  4. You’ll Easily Discover What Everyone is Talking About -  Twitter’s/X's trending topics make it easy to see what’s going on in the world and what everyone is discussing at that moment. Also by using Twitter's/X's Advanced Search, you can dig even deeper to find the conversations they’re having, which means there are opportunities for you to engage and make those connections.

I hope this was of use Paul tips - I’ll keep an eye out for your Twitter/X account. Good Luck!


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