Are you posting PDFs on LinkedIn?

Are you posting PDFs on Linkedin?
Social Snippet PDF image

PDFs are a great way to increase your LinkedIn page engagement as they help boost the dwell time on your post. Whereas previously, it was about your post getting attention (likes/reactions, etc.), now it’s about holding it – which PDFs help you achieve as they encourage users to click through the document.

There are multiple ways to create PDFs; we’d encourage you to use a branded document and ensure that the PDF doesn’t have too much information as you want it to be easy for the reader to digest.

A few simple ideas to share are facts about your business, motivational quotes or short testimonials. Here at Green Umbrella Marketing, we often use Canva to create our PDFs; however, we upload a template previously created in Photoshop.

That being said, you could also create the design directly in Canva, or use something like InDesign. A final tip, please ensure that your PDF is on-brand and make sure that you always use the correct fonts and colours!

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