The Green Umbrella Marketing Blog

Marketing Blogs For SME business owners and business leaders

Is your website copy boring?

How to Improve Website Copy to engage your audience

The way you communicate online plays a pivotal role in connecting with your audiences, the language you use is a crucial element that can significantly impact engagement and understanding of who you are as a business, why you do what you do and most importantly whether or not you’re the one a prospect might want to do business with. This is especially true when it comes to your website copy.

LinkedIn Outreach - Are You Getting It Wrong

LinkedIn Outreach – Are You Getting It Wrong?

LinkedIn outreach is an activity nobody likes doing. It’s a prospecting tactic that is essential for social selling, yet we are all so uncomfortable with it. When we receive messages on LinkedIn, that wave of dread comes over us – we’re about to be sold to. It’s mostly this that makes us shy away for sending messages to our connections on LinkedIn – we don’t want them to feel the same when they go to open messages from us. We manage LinkedIn accounts for our clients but when it comes to the actual outreach – it has to come from them rather than us to make sure it’s directed at relevant individuals and in a way that is completely natural.

How To Use TikTok As A Recruitment Tool

How To Use TikTok As A Recruitment Tool

Recruitment has become digitally connected, so staying ahead of the curve is essential. Traditional platforms like LinkedIn and job boards remain vital, but an emerging player in the recruitment marketing landscape is TikTok. With its massive user base and unique content format, TikTok offers recruiters a dynamic and engaging way to connect with potential candidates. Here’s why, and how to use TikTok as a recruitment tool.

Will You Recommend Us?

How To Get Reviews And Recommendations For Your Business

Why is it, we all find it so hard to ask for praise? Even in a professional capacity? Gathering online recommendations is an ideal way to create social proof that can exhibit just how good you are delivering your services.

In today’s world, we’re more inclined to trust the word of whoever we meet in the pub over what is presented to us by a brand online. Realistically though, who can blame us? There are several websites out there that proudly boast testimonials they’ve received from clients without any information on who may have left those complimentary words.

Email Marketing Blog

The Anatomy of an Effective Email Marketing Campaign

After years of split testing and experimenting with layouts and key features, we are able to share with you our recipe for success when it comes to the anatomy of an effective email marketing campaign.

#1 – Send your message from an actual person

Back in the day, we experimented with a variety of email addresses that we were sending from.  From info@ to newsletter@ – but we found that email addresses with actual names create much better click-through rates and encourage engagement and so our email roundups are sent from my personal email account.

5 Reasons To Use TikTok

5 Reasons Why You Should Be Using TikTok

The social media landscape is competitive. The platforms on offer rival each other in terms of where you should invest your time and efforts, and once you’ve made that choice you’re competing with everyone else to ensure you get seen. As a business owner, you think you’ve got your strategy sorted then all of a sudden TikTok rises to fame and becomes a formidable platform for businesses, particularly small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and now you’re wondering if you should be dropping something and switching over, or do you simply add TikTok to your current strategy? If you’re a business owner or marketer looking to expand your digital presence, here are five reasons why you should be using TikTok as a key component of your marketing strategy.

Is Your Content Standing Out Or Bombing Out?


With so many posting options available it’s important to know what to use when, and how best to present your key messages in a compelling way that reaches your audience, captures their attention, creates impact and brings results.

Facebook Strategies That Catapult Success

Facebook Marketing Strategies That Catapult Success

Facebook marketing strategies that catapult success. If you’re using Facebook for business purposes, here are some critical do’s and don’ts!

Best time to post on social media blog

The Best Time to Post on Social Media in 2024

“When’s the best time to post on social media?” It’s a question that, although important, isn’t the be-all and end-all of a strong social media strategy.

Navigating a general election blog

Navigating a General Election – Marketing Strategies for UK Business

If standing out marketing-wise when you’re going up against coverage of the UEFA Euros 2024 and Wimbledon this summer weren’t enough, we’ve now also got a general election in the UK to contend with! Businesses will find themselves navigating not only the intricacies of political discourse but also the passionate outpouring of these popular sporting events. With audiences divided between political engagement and sports enthusiasm, we face the challenge of standing out while most social media feeds are being flooded with even more information than usual. Here’s how your social media marketing strategies for UK businesses can be tweaked to thrive this summer.

Outsourcing social media vs AI Content Creation

Outsourcing Social Media Marketing vs. AI Content Creation

Let’s face it – businesses are constantly vying for attention and engagement on social media platforms, so the question of how to effectively manage content creation arises again, and again. Given that’s the case, the real question is should you outsource your social media marketing to specialist agencies like us, or just rely on AI (artificial intelligence) to create content?

How to Generate Social Media Leads without becoming a Slave to Content!

What if I told you there was an opportunity to hang out with me where I’d show you how you can find easy-to-convert social media leads without getting caught in a trap of never-ending content creation? Would that sound good to you? On Tuesday 14th May, just a few days from now, I’ll be hosting…

Speak to your audience

Multi-Generational Social Media Marketing – How to speak to everyone in your audience on social media

2024 is the year of learning curves to ensure you’re reaching the right people, especially for those of you marketing in the B2B space. It’s ...
Christina on a green background holding her phone

How To Use WhatsApp As A Marketing Tool

Are you using WhatsApp? I imagine most of you are, given that it is now one of the most used social apps across the world ...
HR Technologies UK Event Poster ft Christina Robinson

How to build a rock solid employer brand – HR Technologies UK

One of the fabulous things about being known in the recruitment marketing world is the exciting opportunities it gives me to speak at events. On ...
The GU team and George the Giraffe

We Had A Blast! – Recruitment Agency Expo

This is a slightly different article from the usual opinion and educational pieces I write. The first half of this week was spent in London ...
LinkedIn No-No's

LinkedIn Message No-Nos! STOP sending these LinkedIn messages

It's no secret that I see personal LinkedIn messages as the ultimate way to align your Linkedin Marketing and Social Selling strategies so that you ...

How to generate leads using social media

In today's digital age, social media continues to be a powerhouse for businesses, offering unparalleled opportunities to connect with potential customers and drive sales. For ...

How to use Instagram and Get the Results that Matter!

It would be far too obvious for me to kick this blog off by saying that 'everyone' uses Instagram - that would be an absolute ...

Facebook Marketing in 2024

Remember when it was really easy to use Facebook as a marketing tool? When I look back, I think, 'Wow - we had it SO ...
content ideas and where to find them

Content Ideas and Where to Find Them

Having spent most of the last few weeks hanging out at events and with various groups of aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners, both within the ...
Social Media - Features vs Benefits

Features vs. Benefits in Social Media Marketing

Nothing is more powerful in marketing, and especially in social media marketing than promoting the benefits of your products or services over their features. And ...
Recruitment Marketing Congress

Recruitment Marketing Congress February 2024

This virtual event will help recruitment marketers focus their time, energy, and resources on the activities that really make a difference. Over an afternoon of ...
2024 - It's time to thrive

2024 – It’s time to thrive

Blimey… what a year 2023 was on all fronts – business and domestic!!! Each year I sit down between Christmas and New Year, as many ...